Why we work with horses

Horses are the Better Farmers

The ideal foundation of a closed operation and cyclical structure for biodynamic farms is the working horse. They eat the green fertilization (plants to help soil health), they give manure, they can be used to till the soil, and they are in spiritual exchange and connection with those around them.


10 wichtige Punkte

nach Edgar Messerschmidt, einem Amerikanischen Pferdefarmer erschienen 1954, Abgedruckt in Das Zugpferd 2/3 1994

  1. Horses can eat the grains/vegetables/plants that are growing on the farm
  2. Their manure contains nutrients and is just as valuable as the food itself
  3. If well cared for, horses can be used for up to 20 years
  4. Working mares can foal, resulting in either an eventual substitute work horse, or simply can be sold for additional earnings
  5. They are flexible- they can work alone, paired up, or even in threes or fours
  6. They always give their all, no matter the conditions (mud, snow, etc.)
  7. They barely cause soil compaction
  8. They stabilize agriculture and economics
  9. They are considered to be the most economically considerate source of energy for the agriculture industry in general
  10. Dealing/working with horses makes way for influential education in regards to how people are living their lives:
    a) Through daily routines
    b) Moving the body and strengthening muscles
    c) Noise can destroy the bodies cells (i.e. loud tractors)
    d) Generation of emotional balance
    e) Heightened consciousness and mindfulness

Continued points based on our current point of view

  1. Horses are a regenerative and regional energy source
  2. There is no loss of oil, hence no environmental impact
  3. They are less nutritionally competitive compared to other agro energies
  4. Horses are beautiful creatures
  5. It is a joy to work with horses and to watch them as they work; there are many positive elements involved in working with horses such as the joy of life
  6. They generate a quality of food that is proven to be better
  7. Horses create very meaningful jobs; stable hands, riders, trainers, blacksmiths, veterinarians, etc. This stops the flow of money into the diesel industry.
  8. Horse equipment/technology can be quite simple and one can easily build/repair on one’s own
  9. They are independent from the crises of the economy
  10. Horses need teamwork- to work with them, one needs to develop social skillls and patience to name a few
The Bretons Tina, Ramon und Paquerette pulling the cultivator with roller
The Bretons Tina, Ramon und Paquerette pulling the cultivator with roller
Pico takes off Ramon's horseshoes
Pico takes off Ramon's horseshoes


Solawi Oberellenbach

Günter und Dörte Hufmann

Oberer Erlenbach 23

36211 Alheim-Oberellenbach


Fon +49 5664/938797

Mobil +49 173 587 3338

Fax +49 5664 28295359

info (at) solawi-oberellenbach.de


IBAN: DE71 4306 0967 0025 4633 01



Unser Kalender für das Jahr 2021
Solawi-Kalender 2021.pdf
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Beitrittserklärung (Vertrag)
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Beitrittserklärung 2024 2025.pdf
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Flyer SoLaWi Oberellenbach 2019.pdf
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Anleitung zum Gemüsepacken
(Zettel aus der Verteilstelle)
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